Although Judy knew she was passionate about travel after a year studying in Switzerland and hitch hiking around Europe, a honeymoon around the world, and 10 years living in Europe and South America, it did not occur to her to make it a profession until she was researching possible career opportunities for her college-age daughter.
Now, after more than 27 years as a professional travel consultant, Judy believes that her many challenging situations as a foreigner living in other cultures gave her insight to help other people get the most out of their international travels.
Some of her particularly favorite destinations are Spain, where she met her husband, and really all of Europe, especially Germany, where her daughter was born,
Although having lived in several South American countries and enjoyed the Spanish ambiance in all of them, Argentina will always be a favorite since her son was born in Buenos Aires, a true porteno.
More recent favorites are Australia and New Zealand. The laid back Aussie style and Downunder quality of life has kept her coming back on more than 30 trips to explore this vast country.
Smaller New Zealand with its pristine beauty, welcoming people, and delicious natural food and wine is also a place Judy tries to return to as often as possible.
When your work is your passion, keeping up to date with old favorites and always searching for new ones is a gift you want to share with others.
What would life be like without the excitement and fulfillment of travel?!
“My passion is to share these gifts of discovery with as many people as possible.”