|As we celebrate our freedom today with the ability to move about the country, openly discuss any issues we please, and congregate in groups for fun or protests, we are reminded of those who do not enjoy this freedom.
But, also, when countries are in chaos, the tourism which sustains their economy dries up and those who want to visit and learn about their culture are prevented from doing so. We all lose.
Egypt is a prime example. After the peoples’ revolution in 2011, which ousted President Mubarak, tourism dried up. It was no longer a safe destination to visit.
Time was needed to rebuild public confidence and convince tourists that they would be safe there again. Gradually, tour companies began to offer trips back to Egypt, but the latest conflict and State Department travel advisory have brought tourism to a halt once more.
What are we missing by not traveling to Egypt? Actually, a great deal, as the history and culture of the ancient Egyptians is fascinating and continues to intrigue everyone exposed to it.
The Pyramids at Giza – These are the three largest and best preserved of more than 100 pyramids from ancient Egypt, which were built as tombs for the rulers and their queens. The Great Temple of Khufu is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and there is still controversy about how it was built.
The Temples of Luxor and Karnak – Located in the city of Luxor, these mammoth Ancient Egyptian temple complexes dwarf the people who walk through them. The Temple of Luxor built by Ramses II and Amenhotep III was the center for the multi-day festival Opet, where the king was transformed into a divine being. The Temple of Karnak is a large open-air museum and the largest ancient religious site in the world. It is the second most visited historical site in Egypt. The evening Sound and Light show at the Temple of Karnak highlights the dramatic history of ancient Thebes. It is best seen after visiting the temple during the day, so that the evening presentation is easier to follow.
Abu Simbel – These two massive rock temples had to be moved to their present location, when the Aswan Dam was built to prevent them from being submerged under water. The giant statues depict Ramses II, king of Upper and Lower Egypt.
There are many other historically important things to see such as the Valley of the Kings where the tomb of the boy king Tutankhamun with all of its wealth was excavated. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses much of the wealth found in the ancient tombs and also has preserved mummies, which can still not be duplicated today.
Egypt is a must-visit destination for anyone who appreciates the mysteries and intrigues of its ancient past. It is a colorful and fascinating place that appeals to all ages. Once the present chaos is resolved, I am sure the Egyptians will be as happy to see the tourists return as we will be to once again learn about the highly advanced ancient civilization that continues to amaze us.